Saturday, December 15, 2007

AAAAAHHHH! "ALBINO BRAIN SUCKERS"!!! It's not the snow that is the problem, it's the ice that is underneath that turned into slush when it rained this afternoon and then turned into more ice and then the 1-3" that is coming overnight. Yuck,yuck,yuck. I am glad to be at home. We went to the Chinese buffet(mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and then came home. That was enough out for me. A. wore her new birthday socks (yah for me) and I would have taken a picture of them but I was so busy stuffing my face with scallion pancakes that I never got around to it. But they looked cool. And she seems to really like them. So that makes me happy.

I'm glad that I have knitting and some movies so I don't need to go anywhere but in the kitchen to get myself some more tea!

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