Tuesday, August 10, 2010

At least with wool it can be a small project. 'Cause in the mid-90*s it's much too hot to work on anything larger than a sock. These are destined to become the Fall Blooms socks by Mags Kandis (Vogue Knitting Fall 2008). I'm using Deb Stoller's Stitch Nation Full 'o Sheep yarn and it's moving along.
Today it was 96* with the heat index of 100-105* so I spent the majority of the day indoors with knitting and dvds. And a splitting headache which I'm sure is a result of the heat and the smog alert that has been going on as well. Just yuck. We go out and run errands early in the morning and then hunker down and try and keep cool. Lots of salads and not too much cooking happening right now. This is dinner from the other night. Sauteed swiss chard with miso and sesame, the best mushrooms ever (from "Vegan Lunchbox from Around the World"), half a bagel and Gardein "chicken" breasts" made like a chicken piccata in a lovely breading and fried up crispy. So good.

Got a bunch of portobella mushrooms at Jungle Jim's last week on the discount rack and made stuffed mushrooms with tomatoes and some purslane from the farmers' market. Topped with some panko and Daiya cheese. It's nice to have a few things already cooked to just heat up and eat.

Although it's about too hot to want to eat much of anything. Except popsicles!
Stay cool and see you soon.

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