Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy National Poetry Month! In honor of that I shall post a poem every post in April. Some are well-known, some maybe not so much and just maybe....one or two shall be mine. So here we go.

Green, green, and green again, and greener still,
spring towards summer bends the immortal bow,
and northward breaks the wave of daffodil,
and northward breaks the wave of summers snow:

Green, green, and green again, and greener yet,
wide as this forest is, which counts it leaves,
wide as this kingdom, in a green sea set,
which round its shores perpetuated blossom weaves--

green, green, and green again, and green once more,
the season finds its term--then greenest, even,
when frost at twilight on the leaf lies hoar,
and one cold star shines bright in greenest heaven:
but love, like music, keeps no seasons ever;
like music, too, once known is known forever.
Conrad Aiken

On the knitting front....not so good. I had the front on my v-neck sweater almost finished last night when I took a good long look at it and realized that the increases and decreases did NOT match. GGGGRRRRR! So I ripped it all out and started again. Maybe this time it will work.

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